Archive for Scams

The 6 Biggest Facebook Scams – Techlicious

Posted in Technology with tags , , on December 20, 2012 by JB's Blog

Do you use Facebook?  Of course you do.  Have you been scammed -very likely.  Were you aware of it?  Probably not.  But the downstream effects were likely felt by others in your friends list.  Check out this article by Christina DesMarais and learn NOT to click on all those enticing links that appear on your page…

‘Facebook now has a billion users, with more than half of those people signing on every month. Unfortunately, crooks and scammers are also part of the social network’s population—they figure at least a certain percentage of users will fall for their shenanigans.

According to Chester Wisniewski, senior security advisor at the security firm Sophos, the number of Facebook scams in play seems to be holding steady. And while Facebook is trying to tackle the problem, the scammers don’t give up easily when they can profit off unsuspecting people.

How do you spot a Facebook scam? Be wary of unlikely promises, Wisniewski says.

“No one is giving away an iPad to every person who fills out a survey and you aren’t likely the specially chosen winner of the Nokia, Microsoft or Coca-Cola lottery, because there isn’t one,” he says. “The best practice is to avoid clicking links on Facebook at all. It is generally safe to click links from trusted pages of companies, bands and groups you like, but avoid clicking links from your friends’ walls and chat messages.”

Here are popular Facebook scams you should watch out for.’  Read on…  The 6 Biggest Facebook Scams – Techlicious.